Practical Tips:
Where do I store my projects? I have a folder called projects close to the root folder of my pc. All projects get there own folder.
Use GitHub or something like VSCode to create your initial repository rather than Git directly. This will give you the chance to add things like .gitignore files and a License file.
Use a .gitignore file to handle large data files or sensitive files that you don't want to include but are a part of your project. (As we saw, these can be created automatically when you make a repository with GitHub or VSCode, with good defaults for a project involving for example: python or R).
Commit regularly, it will make your life easier.
Other Ways to Share Research Data
Raw research data, associated with a paper, especially large data files are probably better shared using a service like Zenodo.
There is nothing wrong with having both a GitHub and Zenodo repository for your project.
GitHub Alternatives
As you hopefully now appreciate, you don't need to use GitHub to make use of Git. Alternative places to host remote repositories include for example bitbucket and GitLab and they tend to offer very similar functionality.